The Format Menu changes according to which drawing object is selected.
- Size: Changes the radius of the
- Color: Changes the color of the
- Aligned: When checked this aligns
the point to the grid. An aligned point will only move along the
intersections of the grid.
- Rotate:
Rotates an unattached arrow.
- Arrow Style:
Changes the style of the arrow. This includes various shapes
that are not arrows such as a perpendicular line slash.
- Size: Changes the size of the
- Color: Changes the color of the
- Aligned: When checked this aligns
the arrow to the grid. An aligned arrow will only move along the
intersections of the grid
Line, Bezier Curve
- Line Style: Selects different
drawing styles such as a solid line or dotted line.
- Line Width: Changes the width of
the line.
- Color: Changes the color of the
- Bring to Front: Places the object
on top of all other objects.
- Send to Back: Places the object
behind all other objects.
Circle, Arc,
Shape, Polygon
- Line Style: Selects different
drawing style such as solid line or dotted line.
- Line Width: Changes the width of
the line.
- Color: Changes the color of the
- Shading Style: Changes the shading
style. This is the pattern used to fill in the interior of the object.
By default this is set to none.
- Bring to Front: Places the object
on top of all other objects.
- Send to Back: Places the object
behind all other objects.
Curly Brace
Size: Changes the
depth of the curly brace.
- Line Style: Selects different
drawing style such as solid line or dotted line.
- Line Width: Changes the width of
the line.
- Color: Changes the color of the
- Bring to Front: Places the object
on top of all other objects.
- Send to Back: Places the object
behind all other objects.
- Angle Style: Changes the style of
the angle. There are three main styles. Tick Marks uses tick marks
to indicate the angle number. Arcs uses multiple arcs to indicate the
angle number. Right Angle is a squared-off angle. The Default
style uses tick marks but switches to a right angle if the angle approaches 90
- Angle Number:
Changes what angle number is symbolized in the current angle style.
(number of tick marks or number of arcs)
- Size: Changes the radius of the
- Line Style: Selects different
drawing styles such as a solid line or dotted line.
- Line Width: Changes the width of
the line.
- Color: Changes the color of the
- Bring to Front: Places the object
on top of all other objects.
- Send to Back: Places the object
behind all other objects.
- Edit Label: Displays the Edit
Label dialog box.
- Bring to Front: Places the object
on top of all other objects.
- Send to Back: Places the object
behind all other objects.